Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers day everyone! 

Today I will be taking a little break from my normal tasks to try and relax.  My kids are actually being rather sweet this morning and Ryan is off actually doing the well needed grocery shopping.

 I love being a Mother and watching my children grow.  Yes some days my children drive me to having a few glasses of wine...but hey I think we can all say we have been there at some point.  Then there are days that my kids just make me laugh so hard. 

A few weeks ago I was picking my daughter up from her preschool and I was buckling her into her carseat.  I was standing on the traffic side of a busy street.  I asked her to help me by getting her arms in the straps before the next light changed and the cars started rushing past. 

She looks at me and says ...."Why mommy will you get squished flat as a pancake?"
I said; Yes honey I will and then you wont have a mommy. 
She responds with.."Oh that is okay we will just get a new mommy"
Well honey it doesn't exactly work that way.
How do you explain to a 4 1/2 year old that you cant just replace you mommy..haha.

So today enjoy being a mom!

I wish I could say that I am taking the whole day off....but unfortunately I do have to work a few hours this afternoon at my day job.   I at least hope that I will give them a great afternoon with their families.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I MUST blog more!

I hang my head in shame.

I am the worst blogger ever.

I hereby solemnly swear to do my best at blogging more. 

To my defense though I have been rather busy with other things.  Since the weather has been nicer I have tried to spend more time outside with the kids.  I have been working a few extra shifts at my "other" job.  As well as finishing up editing a beautiful newborn session. 

Here is an image from my most recent newborn session. 
Meet Miss Willow.

Willow is such a little darling...she did Christen me during her session though.  Cant say it was the first time but she got me pretty good...haha!